Homeopathy treats the person rather than the named “disease”
In 2008 a pilot study in Northern Ireland looked at exploring the potential for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM)
within existing primary care services in Northern Ireland. The project provided patients with access to a range of CAM through their GP practice. CAM treatment included -acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, homeopathy, reflexology, aromatherapy and massage. These were some of the results ¹ ² –
- 80% of patients recorded an improvement in the severity of their main symptom, with 73% recording an improvement in their level of activity associated with their main symptom (source, MYMOP);
- 67% of patients recorded an improvement in their wellbeing (source,MYMOP);-
- 81% of patients said that their general health had improved, with a similarly high proportion of patients (82%) reporting to be less worried about their
symptoms following treatment (source, MYMOP); - – 81% of patients reported an improvement in their physical health, with 79%
reporting an improvement in their mental health (source, patient survey); - – 84% of patients directly linked the CAM treatments to an improvement in
their overall wellbeing (source, patient survey)
- an estimated 500 million people worldwide use homeopathy³
- it is encouraged by the World Health Organisation
- is safe to use alongside conventional treatment
- sees symptoms as the sign of an underlying disorder or disease, rather than just being something to suppress
- focuses on the cause of the problem, rather than just the named disease
- looks at family tendencies to specific complaints or problems
- works by gently restoring balance in your body, rather than suppressing symptoms
- uses specially-tailored prescriptions, individually chosen for your needs
- aims to encourage, respect and empower you
1. European Central Council of Homeopaths http://www.homeopathy-ecch.org/
2. Study by the Dept of Health, UK carried out in Northern Ireland showing the effectiveness of Homeopathy http://www.dhsspsni.gov.uk/final_report_from_smr_on_the_cam_pilot_project_-_may_2008.pdf
3. British Homeopathic Association list of randomised controlled trials for an A – Z of illnesses and conditions http://www.britishhomeopathic.org/export/sites/bha_site/research/evidence_